Welcome to my new site, For the Love of Lists, and thank you for visiting. I’m looking forward to writing about a variety of topics that will help you engineer your life, all of which can be found in the category menu above. If you’re a fan of lists as much as I am (and the Internet is full of them, so you probably are), then read on!
5 Facts You Should Know About Me:
- I love to write lists and collect information: to brainstorm, to find a next step, or even just to kill time.
- I am an aerospace engineer: by nature I am a space & STEM advocate, I love to solve problems and improve efficiency, and I strive for continuous learning.
- I love to read: I have a library of more than 1,500 books at my disposal, and if given the time I’d try to read every one of them.
- I work to keep myself inspired: quotes, pictures, role models, challenges, and anything to remind me of my goals in life.
- I am still figuring things out: as a recent college graduate and a new wife, I am at the start of my adult life. What you see here is me learning as I go.
So why lists? For me, lists are how I’ve always processed information. Rather than telling you about all of the scientific reasons you’re designed to love lists, I suggest you check out these two articles that explain it wonderfully:
- A List of Reasons Why Our Brains Love Lists (The New Yorker)
- 10 Reasons Why We Love Making Lists (NPR)
Once again, thank you for visiting. My goal is to help you optimize and enhance your life, as I work alongside to engineer mine. I hope to post at least once a week (more when time allows). Subscribe to the email list to stay up to date on any new additions. Happy listing! Jessica