If you’re still looking for some new ideas for your date this weekend, try out one of these. In fact, they’re great any time of year!
1) Think of a country you and your significant other (S.O.) have always wanted to visit. Create a meal native to that country, complete with ethnic music. If you can coordinate it with a matching movie or props (scented candles, clothing, etc), all the better.
2) Go for a picnic at a local beach or park (good for those in warmer climates). Pack your favorite travel-worthy meal or try a new recipe. Bring a camera to take photos for an album or bring an outdoor game you can enjoy together.
3) Have a game tournament. Each pick your favorite game and go head to head. Winner picks dessert!
4) Make a truly special meal at home. Dress up, use your nice china if you have some, and make the meal you were served at your wedding or on your first date (this one’s perfect f or anniversaries too). Play some of the music you’ve loved throughout your relationship (i.e. wedding song or similar).
5) What were your favorite shows growing up? Games? Activities? Foods? Pick a few and have a “throwback” date. (Bonus points for remembering one of your S.O.’s favorite and surprising them)
6) Instead of buying (or expecting) flowers, why not spend the afternoon gardening together? Pick out your favorite flowers and/or herbs and set up your plot (or use pots if you’re indoors). You’ll get all the beauty of flowers that you can enjoy again and again.
7) Make your own relationship scrapbook. Fill a notebook with your favorite memories, dates, trips, restaurants, etc. Add in a section for all the things you’d like to do together in the future.
8) Try a new activity together that you’ve always wanted to try. Hiking, tennis, painting, and testing new languages are a few cheap options.
9) Find a free concert in your area. Check the newspaper, local symphonies, or local band sites for events of all varieties.
10) Have a no-technology day (i.e. no phones, tablets, computers, or TV). Spend the day appreciating the quality time together and be creative by finding new tech-free activities you can enjoy.
11) (Weather-related) Build a snowman or sand castle together. Better yet, make it a competition. Loser owes the winner a massage.
12) Learn about your family trees. Use ancestry.com or family records to draw your tree and learn more about where you both come from. Use it as an opportunity to learn about and discuss different cultural traditions you bring to the table. Save what you learn in a book or family tree program so you’ll have it to reference forever.
13) Have a dessert party. Make your own chocolates, setup a fondue pot, or bake a cake from scratch together. A twist: make his and hers desserts – cook up both of your favorites and enjoy them even before dinner.
14) Research a local site you’ve both never visited (park, free museum, historical landmark). Make a day trip out of it and take photos for a mini “travel log”. If the weather is good in your area, this concept also works for a nice, long hike.
15) Go outside after dinner and take a look through a telescope (either at home or at a local observatory). Find your favorite constellations, look for shooting stars, appreciate the Moon, or try to spot the International Space Station. If you’re able, setup a blanket and bring some hot cocoa so you can sit and enjoy. Share some of the traits you love most about one another. And, if you’d like to purchase a small gift, surprise them with a charm or piece of art depicting the Moon’s phase on the night of one of your special dates, such as your wedding.
As for me, my new husband and I are planning to spend this Valentine’s Day at home cooking up some fresh pasta for a dish we learned about on our honeymoon in Rome. I hope your day is just as special!
Do you have any unique date ideas to offer? Please share below!